Unique packaging for garden furniture from BrightYards

A good garden furniture manufacturer makes sure that the set gets to the buyer in one piece. But we’ve gone further. We’ve developed a unique multi-purpose pack that will keep your furniture in place for years to come.

What is BrightYards garden furniture packaging?

What is Bright Yards garden furniture packaging?
It’s a modular cassette tray system. The polyethylene foam tray is made specifically to fit your piece of furniture, replicating its exact shape and size. Each cassette is packaged in a separate water-repellent fabric bag.

What are the benefits to you?

This system solves two problems at once: the furniture is guaranteed to arrive safely and can be stored in a compact, moisture- and dust-proof, well-designed package. This makes buying a garden set a little more convenient and a lot more cost effective:

  • Moisture, temperature changes, dust – they all affect the appearance and integrity of furniture. However, if they are folded and secured in cassettes with excellent padding and wrapped in covers of water-repellent fabric, they can be stored for years.
  • Organizing your garage becomes easier. Packaged furniture takes up very little space and is inconspicuous
  • You won’t have to puzzle over how to pack your entire garden set every year. In addition, you reduce the amount of waste: packaging film, polyethylene and other materials that are usually used for protection during storage.

We support our customers’ desire to be practical, organized, and eco-friendly. And we look forward to helping you achieve that goal!

Two types of packaging

Above, we described the basic packaging that comes with your furniture anyway. But that’s not all. There are two delivery options:

  • In a simple one-way shipping container;
  • In a special container in the form of a sturdy cabinet on wheels that you can keep and use, along with trays and covers, to store the furniture.

Let’s take a closer look.

Transport packaging

Furniture sets in trays and covers are packaged in a regular corrugated shipping box. This ensures safe delivery of the sets from the warehouse to your home. The box is discarded and the modular system is used to store the products.

Special container

This is a unique solution in its aesthetics and practicality, which we have invented especially for you. The modular system comes with a base: a cabinet-like structure. It consists of a plastic shockproof tray, a metal frame and cassettes with guides, in which the furniture boxes are neatly stacked. The container has wheels and handles: it, together with its contents, can be easily moved on the site.

This way you get:

1. brand new garden furniture; 2. quality packaging specially designed for it; 3. a mobile place to store the furniture set or other things.
The cabinet is not “afraid” of moisture, dust, ultraviolet light and temperature changes. Wheels, frame and fittings are protected from corrosion. The design can stand in an unheated garage for years, neat and compact. It is convenient.

Three storage options

So, you can store the garden kits from BrightYards in any way you like:
Leaving it outside for the winter. We recommend in this case to remove all the soft elements to protect it from strong wind and frost. They can be stored in a special pouch-case, which is included in the primary package.
Disassemble the furniture, put the metal elements in spoons, pack them in waterproof covers and send them to the garage or attic for the winter.
Those who ordered a set along with a “closet” can pack everything into it and store it right outside near the house or in an unheated garage.
Choose the perfect furniture set from BrightYards and the packaging to go with it. In corrugated cartons or a specialty multi-purpose container – your choice. Leave a request online or give us a call: we’ll be happy to answer any questions and help you with your purchase.